


VOLLRATH-Mixers and -Stirrers are mainly used to efficiently mix and homogenise either solids into liquids or liquid into liquid. When fitted with the “Lenart-disc” they are well proven as an all- purpose tool in the paint and coatings industry. This type of disc creates an excellent vortex over a large range of viscosities having a relatively high peripheral tip speed (up to 13 m/s). Many agglomerates (contiguous primary particles) are broken down by the Lenart-disc. VOLLRATH delivers Mixers/ Stirrers with the most different agitator tools/ organs for the most different uses, e.g.: Lenart-disc, propeller, Butterfly, pitched blade propeller, disc agitator, universal mixing disc, conical cup agitators, cross beam and bottom impellers, anchor-agitators, multi stage and helical agitators, grid agitator, cowles disc/ blade.


Efficiency, Flexibility and high Performance

The correct selection of mixing tools for a particular application ensures the most effective processing. We will gladly help you with the selection. We deliver mixers and stirrers in most cases with frequency converter technic. A big flexibility is reached by this infinitely variable speed regulation. High efficiency and overload protection are included with this technology.



The following options are often used:

  • quick release coupling:
    This allows shafts fitted with different mixing tools (diameter, type, length) to be changed quickly to suit any particular application.
  • height adjustment of mixing tool:
    This along with variable speed allows the optimal adjustment of mixing effect.
  • conical or double conical tank/ vessel:
    Mixers/ Stirrers with conical vessels are normally supplied when a large variation in batch sizes or the whole process has to take place in one tank/ vessel. The right filling height for the mixing process is reached also with small batches, by the conical form of the tank.
  • heating or cooling:
    Tanks/ vessels can be fitted with heating or cooling jackets or with half pipe coil.
  • wall and bottom scraping systems:
    When the Mixers are used with an added wall and bottom scraper, highly viscous products can be easily processed. Also the scrapers are very helpful to increase the heat transfer very much for cooling in combination with cooling or heating the tank.
    Bottom scrapers and wall scrappers are mostly combined with other mixing tools to receive an optimal mixing-/ stirrer-device (see Prospectus: Mixer/ Stirrer, page 11).
  • 2 shaft mixer/ 3 shaft mixer
    Supply of mixers with up to three mixing-/dispersing-agitators/ shafts, for a very wide range of products (up to 2.000.000 mPas).

Also, with the customer developed, special executions of Mixers/ Stirrers are supplied.


Program of production and delivery

VOLLRATH delivers a wide range of mixers and stirrers, also for the explosion hazard area according to the ATEX regulation:


  • laboratory mixer
  • pilot plant mixer
  • wall mounted mixer and und stand mixer for colours and varnish
  • vacuum mixer
  • tank/ Top mounted mixers with Lenart-disc
  • moveable mixers
  • guide rail mixer
  • vacuum mixer resp. vacuum mixing machines
  • universal-Mixing-Disperser (3 shaft design for very high viscos product, up to 1.000.000 mPas)
  • lenart mixer


  • laboratory stirrers
  • container stirrers
  • wall mounted and stand stirrers
  • moveable stirrers
  • guide rail stirrer
  • vacuum stirrers
  • disc stirrer
  • tank/ top mounted stirrers
  • multi stage stirrer
  • anchor stirrers
  • grid stirrers
  • large-scale stirrers/ mixers for through-floor installation


Laboratory and Trials

The VOLLRATH-Laboratory and demonstration room is available for trials to ensure correct selection of equipment to suit customer’s particular requirements. An adaptation of formulation can be necessary to reach optimal results.


Explosion-proof protection (ATEX)

Mixers can be supplied according to EC Directive (ATEX) for use in all zones including zone 0. Notified body (PTB) certificates are available where required.



The option “vacuum” is available for the most VOLLRATH-Mixers / -Stirrers.


Construction and Service

All VOLLRATH-Mixers are solidly built and designed to give a trouble free long service life.

Mixer with Lenart-Disc
Quick coupling


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